mmmishu: setting up for the system around the studio
mmmishu: making holes in the lid
mmmishu: holes in the lid
mmmishu: making the hole for the connector
mmmishu: new hole where the T connector goes in
mmmishu: hole in barrel for T connector
mmmishu: getting into it
mmmishu: T connector is screwed into bolt-like plastic bit inside food-grade barrel
mmmishu: tightening the connector
mmmishu: R0012208
mmmishu: screen to keep mosquitoes OUT
mmmishu: food-grade barrel
mmmishu: pipe, T-connector, tape measure
mmmishu: warm pipe is easier to attach to more rigid parts
mmmishu: barrels along back of studio and volunteer with hair dryer.
mmmishu: note the drain pipe
mmmishu: first barrel
mmmishu: from the roof to the main barrel.
mmmishu: 2 of 5 barrels along the back of studio
mmmishu: 3 of 5 barrels along the back of the studio
mmmishu: connecting to the gutter
mmmishu: from the gutter to the barrel (I think)
mmmishu: part of the system by the porch
mmmishu: Laura and volunteers
mmmishu: barrels by the porch
mmmishu: barrels by the porch
mmmishu: Volunteer
mmmishu: Volunteer
mmmishu: 2 barrels near the porch
mmmishu: water out from collection system near the porch