puddleshine: fish crackers
puddleshine: a nifty flyover at the park
puddleshine: cranes and bridge
puddleshine: the hunt
puddleshine: bench in sun b&w
puddleshine: weird orange wire ball
puddleshine: loops and lines
puddleshine: more glass
puddleshine: texture
puddleshine: cranes on canal
puddleshine: not easily broken
puddleshine: primaries
puddleshine: wishes
puddleshine: eye of Murph, again
puddleshine: mama and babe
puddleshine: "cress" moon
puddleshine: treasure jar
puddleshine: as opposed to...
puddleshine: flag retiring
puddleshine: water fountain 3
puddleshine: glass lantern lamp 012
puddleshine: it looks like bells, says Deb
puddleshine: friends
puddleshine: pussy willows 2
puddleshine: temptation