Mills Baker: Abby
Mills Baker: Cool & confident on her first real run
Mills Baker: Tired near the end of the day
Mills Baker: Dead Abby
Mills Baker: Disappearing world
Mills Baker: Snowy trees in the clouds
Mills Baker: Winter sun
Mills Baker: Some bro jumping a rail, bro, bro
Mills Baker: Abby shot these trees
Mills Baker: Another Abby tree shot
Mills Baker: Abby snowboarding!
Mills Baker: Abby's cool snowboarding attitude
Mills Baker: Beautiful views
Mills Baker: Lays at Comstock Ridge
Mills Baker: Lake Tahoe visible
Mills Baker: Nice views
Mills Baker: Abby spans the earth
Mills Baker: The world
Mills Baker: Snowy trees at our place
Mills Baker: MEGABBY
Mills Baker: My favorite mountain photo
Mills Baker: Lift
Mills Baker: Trees and snow
Mills Baker: My best snowboarding accident