Mike Rosenthal: Southbound (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Against morning skies (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Karoo prinia (Prinia maculosa) (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: FB 060816 c-1 (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Grey-headed gull (1 of 1)-2
Mike Rosenthal: Red billed woodhoopoe (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Dt Birds CTWC 24062017 c-2 (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Dt Birds 26062017 c-1 (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Dt Birds 05072017 c-1 (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Dt Yzer 12082017 mc-2
Mike Rosenthal: Dt CTWC 21082017 mc-1
Mike Rosenthal: Sandwich tern (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Sandwich tern (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: Southern masked weaver (Ploceus velatus) 3 (1 of 1)
Mike Rosenthal: African Olive (Rameron) Pigeon
Mike Rosenthal: Dt CTWC 21082017 c-2 (1 of 1)