mikefranklin: What could be in this large apple bag?
mikefranklin: what could the messenger bag be for?
mikefranklin: 13.3" 2.0 GHz macbook!
mikefranklin: best plastic carrying handles. ever.
mikefranklin: most amazing sealing tape. ever.
mikefranklin: best styrofoam front design. ever.
mikefranklin: best back styrofoam design. ever.
mikefranklin: astonishingly good packing. best. ever.
mikefranklin: most fabulous circular packing styrofoam. ever.
mikefranklin: funniest-looking plug. ever.
mikefranklin: can't read it. something about california
mikefranklin: most multi-lingual. well, since my ipod
mikefranklin: I didn't want to tear it.
mikefranklin: ooooh. aaaaaah.
mikefranklin: bestest solution for a too-glossy screen.
mikefranklin: where's the start menu?