Michelle(H): The sunrise looked interesting this morning through the condensation on my screen door. Grabbed my macro lens and took some snaps. The sun was refracted in the droplets, very interesting. These photos are unedited.
Michelle(H): Chinatown Festival (Toronto)
Michelle(H): Ready for my close-up.
Michelle(H): Still life with baby robin.
Michelle(H): Unexpected picnic guest. (Edwards Gardens, Toronto)
Michelle(H): Hanging by a thread.
Michelle(H): Heron (Toogood Pond, Unionville)
Michelle(H): I love random phone booth street art. (Toronto)
Michelle(H): Urban Storefront Toronto
Michelle(H): Elvis gets his hair done in Toronto
Michelle(H): Day 1 Water Droplet Photography Course
Michelle(H): After the ice storm (March 2016)
Michelle(H): Lounging in San Francisco
Michelle(H): Frost on window
Michelle(H): Dumpster Doll
Michelle(H): Cerveza?
Michelle(H): Trippy floral
Michelle(H): Constellation or Traffic? (Yonge St, Toronto)
Michelle(H): End of the evening...
Michelle(H): Belize City through cracked windshield
Michelle(H): Sakura Cherry Blossom
Michelle(H): Sakura Cherry Blossom Time
Michelle(H): Sparky in action...
Michelle(H): 10/365 Alley- Little Italy Toronto
Michelle(H): 9/365 PeepUp Truck
Michelle(H): Day After Easter- Farewell to Peeps
Michelle(H): 8/365 Happy Easter to My Peeps!
Michelle(H): 7/365 Toronto Street Fashion
Michelle(H): International Pillow Fight Day (Toronto)
Michelle(H): 6/365 Ironic Sign