mightymarce: Reading bedtime stories with grandma.
mightymarce: Under the table and scheming.
mightymarce: Throwing rocks in the water = best.thing.EVER.
mightymarce: Our morning adventure.
mightymarce: Two boys, one (giant) umbrella.
mightymarce: Take 2 at the hot air balloon festival. Miss-timed things (again), saw a couple in the air while driving then this one giving tethered rides.
mightymarce: Washing the car...with spray bottles.
mightymarce: Best buddies, riding a train.
mightymarce: Watching frisbee dogs at the Quechee hot air balloon festival this morning. D thought they were the coolest thing ever.
mightymarce: Re-arranged some stuff in the playroom- swapped out the big desk for a bookshelf that's smaller but holds more stuff. Way more space now. This is the one room of the house with a window a/c unit, so I expect us to spend lots of time in here this summer...
mightymarce: #airshow
mightymarce: Got a replacement styrofoam glider plane. Inaugurated a new season of "air shows" out in the field today.
mightymarce: There's a family subletting the house nextdoor, and Q is obsessed with their kids especially the 7yo girl. He likes to wander over and talk to her. She's sweet enough to humor him.
mightymarce: Slide races
mightymarce: Taking a snuggle break at the playground. Love this dude.
mightymarce: Moose. With a hat. And some tulips. What?
mightymarce: Date night out with the hubs for his birthday. Low-key, but very nice.
mightymarce: It's farmers market season! My guys joined a group of boys playing soccer while dad shopped for strawberries and kettle corn. Yay.
mightymarce: "Mommy! My shirt is wet!" he cried in despair, and genuine surprise. #toddlers
mightymarce: While getting ready for bed D took 3 of his wooden cars with him to sleep with. Then he gave me this one and instructed me to keep it by my bed tonight. Following orders.
mightymarce: My poor sweet little dude, between meltdowns yesterday afternoon.
mightymarce: Our painted lady caterpillars arrives! I think we got older ones, tho. A couple already look like they're getting ready to cocoon up.