mightymarce: Chillin' in the car this morning.
mightymarce: We bought new shows today. They are ridiculously obnoxious and matching and the boys could not be happier.
mightymarce: This is slowly but surely happening to the knees of all of D's pants. Need to invest in some fun patches...
mightymarce: The perks of being a business school wife- just went to a lecture and private q&a session with Anne-Marie Slaughter at Tuck.
mightymarce: Packed auditorium- I barely made it in. Even the corridors and stairs were covered with people.
mightymarce: Private reception for Tuck students/faculty/staff.
mightymarce: Afterlight
mightymarce: Little dude on the move
mightymarce: It's this time of year again...
mightymarce: Three boys and their sticks.