mightymarce: They wanted to watch it on the ground. Whatever.
mightymarce: Our view for the next few hours... (Flight got delayed)
mightymarce: *Their* view for the next few hours.... (or at least till they get antsy again)
mightymarce: This was Q's reaction when I told him he was getting McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries. I know, kiddo. I know. #roadtrip #NHorbust
mightymarce: Zach clearing snow off our car.
mightymarce: Um, whoa.
mightymarce: Ok that's just inhumane.
mightymarce: Dono's tree & dust/mud pit has become his snow mountain.
mightymarce: Snow. Like, for REAL snow. And it was 1*F out (D has been BEGGING to go outside all morning). This means that now when it's warmer than 1* it'll feel "warm" right?
mightymarce: "Uh, Mom? Did you notice that it's FUCKING COLD out here?" Amazingly it wasn't actually that bad (except for on exposed skin). #layers #usethemorfreeze
mightymarce: First sledding expedition (this winter). D had a blast with his buddy. Q tried it, got blasted in the face with snow and immediately insisted on going home.
mightymarce: $2 Chuck curtesy of @jrdeflavio. Aside from the freeze-dried fruit, it's easily what we miss the most from TJs.
mightymarce: Playing in the snow today...this was a few minutes before Q faceplanted in the snow then started crying to go inside. He may not be as fond of snow as his brother...
mightymarce: Jumping/falling
mightymarce: He also loves running through the deep snow.
mightymarce: Yeeeaah, Q isn't nearly as impressed with this "snow" stuff...
mightymarce: "I want my dump truck!" Also: "Stop taking pictures! Pull me, Mommy!"
mightymarce: And then came the post-snow-play nap.
mightymarce: Yay friends (note the stickers all over D's pants)
mightymarce: It never gets old, does it? Or less cute. My fave is the crossed feet.
mightymarce: Sweet kitty in the window, wondering "Is it spring yet???"
mightymarce: "No take pictures!" says my goopy-eyed monster. We're fighting off colds & pink eye.
mightymarce: Browsing my Click @clickinmoms magazine while Q watches tv. #momoftheyear #zombiemoms
mightymarce: They may not eat it, but I can still feel like a decent mother for at least *offering* healthy snacks, right? Right?
mightymarce: Cracked and dry knuckles, coffee mug, my sick-day sweatshirt... Capturing some of the suckier parts of winter.
mightymarce: The view out my bedroom window.
mightymarce: Looking out