mightymarce: Checking out the fresh bit of snow that fell last night.
mightymarce: Snow play.
mightymarce: Same tree, whole new car play possibilities.
mightymarce: Donovan plows a friend's walkway with his digger.
mightymarce: Lil plowers.
mightymarce: So simple, so fun.
mightymarce: Laminar vs turbulent flow (at the Montshire)
mightymarce: #fromwhereistand #holycrapitswinter
mightymarce: Playing Bad Piggies. He's totally loving it...I'm remembering why I never got into computer games. Mama gets too frustrated....
mightymarce: Afternoon walk to check out his favorite motorcycle.
mightymarce: #latergram Snow is melted...so playing in puddles it is.
mightymarce: Silly little dude.
mightymarce: And then he found a big stick...
mightymarce: Redistributing the magnets. The fridge was hogging them all, you know.
mightymarce: Lists- shopping for Q's party, prepping for our trip, etc. I use my phone for almost everything, but still prefer writing these out by hand.
mightymarce: Hanover Christmas tree lighting.
mightymarce: Best seat in the house (er, the Green)
mightymarce: Snow Dragon (part of the gingerbread house display)
mightymarce: Skating on the frozen pond.
mightymarce: Dono & his BFF watching the model trains (faces right up to the rope...)
mightymarce: The boys meet the Grinch!
mightymarce: Donovan on the "siberian tiger" ride. This thing was motorized and actually walked around in a circle. Yeah, I don't even know but he got a kick out of it!
mightymarce: Baking Q's birthday cake.
mightymarce: Mix mix mix.
mightymarce: This was Q's "cake batter"- flour and cocoa powder (he added the cheerios himself)
mightymarce: Watching & waiting...
mightymarce: Friends invited us over for the first night of Hanukkah.
mightymarce: Lighting the first candle all together.