michael.jh: The Grey Heron "Ardea cinerea"
michael.jh: Grey Heron "Ardea cinerea"
michael.jh: Little grebe "Tachybaptus ruficollis"
michael.jh: Dunnock "prunella modularis"
michael.jh: Gotcha
michael.jh: Little grebe "Tachybaptus ruficollis"
michael.jh: Nuthatch "Sitta europaea"
michael.jh: Goldcrest “Regulus regulus”
michael.jh: Juvenile Lesser Black-backed Gull "Larus fuscus"
michael.jh: wild Common Crane "Grus grus" seen at slimbridge
michael.jh: Goldcrest “Regulus regulus”
michael.jh: Meadow Pipit "Anthus pratensis"
michael.jh: Little grebe "Tachybaptus ruficollis"
michael.jh: common hawker “Aeshna juncea”
michael.jh: Little grebe “Tachybaptus ruficollis”
michael.jh: Pied wagtail "Motacilla alba"
michael.jh: Ring-necked parakeet "Psittacula krameri"
michael.jh: The Little Owl "Athene noctua"
michael.jh: Common starling “Sturnus vulgaris”
michael.jh: Goldcrest “Regulus regulus”
michael.jh: Little Egret "Egretta garzetta"
michael.jh: Male Common Pheasant "Phasianus colchicus"
michael.jh: The Little Owl "Athene noctua"
michael.jh: Pied wagtail "Motacilla alba"
michael.jh: common hawker “Aeshna juncea”
michael.jh: Male Reed Bunting "Emberiza schoeniclus"
michael.jh: Great White Egret “Ardea alba”
michael.jh: cormorant "phalacrocorax carbo"