Michaelavk: For a warm dinner.
Michaelavk: First Dinner
Michaelavk: Tea Building
Michaelavk: Peek-a-boo
Michaelavk: Classy Home for a Drinking fountain.
Michaelavk: Sandringham Gardens
Michaelavk: Archibald Sprays
Michaelavk: The Gods Bless You
Michaelavk: Jason Wins!
Michaelavk: Ernie with the Greeks
Michaelavk: Amongst Royalty
Michaelavk: Smoke break before Checking the mate
Michaelavk: Golds and Blues
Michaelavk: Distant Opera
Michaelavk: Ernie Presents!
Michaelavk: One of many shots of this bridge. :-)
Michaelavk: Bridge's End
Michaelavk: Opera Behind Bars
Michaelavk: A little closer
Michaelavk: Let's do some Rocky style working out up those stairs!
Michaelavk: Like reptilian skin
Michaelavk: Mothership
Michaelavk: After being forced to read Moby Dick, I can't but help think of his mouth here.
Michaelavk: Would hate to be caught between those chompers!
Michaelavk: Like something out of Star Wars
Michaelavk: In case you didn't know, this bridge is AUSTRALIAN.
Michaelavk: Or those flippy space globe sugar caddies I had to deal with.
Michaelavk: Momma and Baby
Michaelavk: Bridge and Opera House: Best Mates
Michaelavk: Sydney Skyline