merialc: Mannequin
merialc: Mannequin 2
merialc: Man
merialc: Don't Blame it on the Boogie
merialc: Enjoying the sun 1
merialc: Enjoying the sun 2
merialc: Too much to drink?
merialc: Against the wall
merialc: Sitting on the fence
merialc: Enjoying a drink
merialc: Bath time
merialc: Seeing Double
merialc: Sitting on glass
merialc: Map Reading
merialc: Trip to the London Eye
merialc: Trip to the London Eye
merialc: Almost as big as the clock tower
merialc: Westminster
merialc: Art for art's sake?
merialc: Appreciating Art
merialc: Refreshing
merialc: The Pocket Orchestra
merialc: Little Red Boats
merialc: Little Red Boats
merialc: Little Red Boats
merialc: Little Red Boats
merialc: Graeme & Tim
merialc: Get Well Humph
merialc: Get Well Humph
merialc: Sewing 30/365