meotto: Bigfoot Java
meotto: Bigfoot Java
meotto: Bigfoot Java
meotto: Early March
meotto: One of these things doesn't belong.
meotto: Snow!
meotto: Iced tea and bendy straw
meotto: Jamaican Jerk Chicken pizza
meotto: Fountain
meotto: Coffee in everything
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Goats
meotto: Boats all around
meotto: IMG_2015
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Mount Rainier
meotto: Exit sign
meotto: Dew on ice
meotto: Dew on Ice
meotto: Bikini Baristas
meotto: Drunken noodles
meotto: Part of the crew
meotto: Working hard
meotto: Working hard
meotto: Working hard
meotto: Working hard
meotto: Working hard?