just.imagine.heaven: ✈️We're finally leaving on a jet plane!🏈CactusBowl 🌵#GoHuskies #HereWeComeWarmerWeather #NotSadToLeaveTheSnowBehind
just.imagine.heaven: Getting ready for tonight's game. 😜 The barista obviously doesn't know how to spell.🏈 #Starbucks ☕️ #GoDawgs #CactusBowl 🌵 #GoHuskies
just.imagine.heaven: Hoping for a comeback. #CactusBowl 🌵#GoDawgs 🏈#GoHuskies
just.imagine.heaven: Having dinner high above the city of Phoenix. #CompassRestaurant #ItSpins #24thFloor
just.imagine.heaven: Not missing the Colorado weather at all! #IWantToStayInAZUntilTheSnowIsGone
just.imagine.heaven: After being on our feet all day we found a movie theater nearby. It has recliners for seats. #Unbroken #TheBookIsWayBetter #PuttinMyFeetUp
just.imagine.heaven: Gotta hit it up when we can and I got my Neapolitan shake @racheldfrancisco #InNOut
just.imagine.heaven: Back to life, back to reality. Coloring with my girls! #soul2soul #NothingElseIdRatherDo #iLoveColoring
just.imagine.heaven: #TBT from @dancegirly9 #UglySweaterParty last month. Good times during a sickly month for us. 😳 I won the Good Effort Award with the sweater Rebecca made for me. 😁
just.imagine.heaven: I currently have 8 rewards to use. ☕️👍#WorkinTheSystem #WheelinNDealin #Starbucks
just.imagine.heaven: Elizabeth received a story Bible for passing level 2 in Catechism memory. David's been her helper in passing her memory work. Now he's reading with her. #BrotherlySisterlyLove #TheyreSoCute #iLoveThem
just.imagine.heaven: UPS dropped off a ton of new books today! I haven't seen my children since. Thanks for everything @racheldfrancisco !
just.imagine.heaven: I've got my own coloring book now and I'm not sharing. 😂 The #Usborne Illustrated Storybooks have become a quick favorite. 📚 They're really well made too! 📖
just.imagine.heaven: Thanks for hanging out with me today. I missed you ladies! #JustThreeMoms #ImTheShortOne #LotsOfBakedGoodsAndFries
just.imagine.heaven: It's a beautiful day to be at the zoo! #DenverZoo #zebras #giraffes #meandmybaby
just.imagine.heaven: "This product was designed for devoted Husky fans who show their pride with a Starbucks cup in hand." #JustMeMyAlmamaterAndMyStarbucks #BelatedBirthdayGift #SeattleGirlInDenver #GoHuskies
just.imagine.heaven: The in-laws are gone, so we're back to school, doing grammar while I enjoy some birthday cookies, from @kelscookiejar and snuggle in the new blanket Rebecca knitted for me. #theFamilyRoomIstheClassroom #rebeccaknitmeablanketthesizeofacomforter #pyrexcooki
just.imagine.heaven: I survived talking in front of potential foster parents. I hope I didn't scare them away. #INeedTeaToTakeTheJittersAway #AndACroissant #NationalCroissantDay #NotAPublicSpeaker #illjuststicktothekids
just.imagine.heaven: My girly girl accessorized with matching hair clips and a necklace. #sogirly
just.imagine.heaven: Time to stock up on milk before the sale goes away. 🐄 #idontdrinkanyofthis #kingsoopers #$1.99 #9kids9gallons
just.imagine.heaven: We have soldiers guarding the asparagus, so don't even think about stealing any of it. #BoysAndTheirToys #MyKidsLoveAsparagus
just.imagine.heaven: I'm playing a percentage/fraction game with David. #hessmarterthanme #widn @delawaremama #ihatemath
just.imagine.heaven: Having a bunch of kids over to decorate Valentine cookies, but not before I get my Starbucks down. ☕️ 😜 #valentines #starbucks #hearts
just.imagine.heaven: Happy Valentine's Day! #pizzanight #firstattemptatmakingaheartpizza
just.imagine.heaven: It's almost showtime! #Cinderella #buelltheater #glassslipper
just.imagine.heaven: How can you not eat at a restaurant that uses Martin Luther quotes on their website? #LutheransRock #CruAWineBar
just.imagine.heaven: It's the calm before the storm. Here's to hoping we don't get a foot of snow this weekend. #wishingitwasspring #enjoyingthewarmweather #readyforthestorm
just.imagine.heaven: Long stemmed strawberries were on sale and I had some leftover dark chocolate, so why not put them together? #leftovervalentinestrawberries #sproutssale #dangerouscombo
just.imagine.heaven: Sunday afternoon sledding❄️. #babyitscoldoutside #stillsnowing
just.imagine.heaven: Waiting for more snow to arrive this afternoon, so why not shovel the snow we got last night. ❄️ #breakingtheFebeuaryRecord #WaitingForTheSchoolBus #SchoolDoesNotGetCanceledHere #PerfectSnowballSnow ⛄️#Brrr