mhmele: walk 012
mhmele: walk 011
mhmele: walk 013
mhmele: walk 01
mhmele: rock crystals2
mhmele: rock crystals
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: Dexter and Sophia in Anacortes
mhmele: bog orchid
mhmele: Anenome seed heads
mhmele: shooting star or columbine
mhmele: DSCN3710
mhmele: yellow flower
mhmele: white flower
mhmele: Nick with bird
mhmele: DSCN3770
mhmele: DSCN3762
mhmele: DSCN3759
mhmele: DSCN3758
mhmele: Anemone going to seed
mhmele: DSCN3733
mhmele: DSCN3731
mhmele: DSCN3708
mhmele: DSCN3703
mhmele: mocha mousse!