Mayra's Dolls: For Adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: For Adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Available for adoption: Frances the Artist
Mayra's Dolls: Frances is now adoptable!
Mayra's Dolls: ADOPTED - Goodbye Frances!