Maulleigh: The Battle of Adwa (Detail), by Unknown
Maulleigh: Tesco Caramel Shortcake
Maulleigh: The Sherlock Holmes Museum
Maulleigh: Tesco Sandwich and cookie
Maulleigh: Love
Maulleigh: Big Ben. Parliment
Maulleigh: Eating Fairy Cakes at the Ridgemount
Maulleigh: Samuel Johnson's House
Maulleigh: Starbucks Break
Maulleigh: Internet at the Ridgemount
Maulleigh: Before the Tea
Maulleigh: After the Tea
Maulleigh: Tea at Burgh House
Maulleigh: Tea at Burgh House
Maulleigh: Ridgemount Hotel Breakfast, 2011
Maulleigh: Ridgemount Hotel Breakfast, 2011
Maulleigh: Shepherd's Pie
Maulleigh: Paid for my seat
Maulleigh: Newcastle Old and New
Maulleigh: Eggs Benedict with Salmon
Maulleigh: A lot of scones were eaten
Maulleigh: Pollock House
Maulleigh: True Scottish Lunch
Maulleigh: A Very Expensive Meal
Maulleigh: My Last Scone of the Trip