masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Mòndial Record 50cc - Made in Italy
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Mòndial Record 50cc - Made in Italy
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Where is the water!?
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
A message that won't never arrive...
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Kasbah - Mazara del Vallo
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Orbetello, i Pescatori
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Creatività, saggezza, fedeltà.
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Zaanse Schans, Agosto 2017
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Eierland Lighthouse, Texel Island, Netherlands
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Dambo in Cornwall
masowar (often off, sorry!!):
Danbo, Maggio 2019