marygilman43: Walkers, Lemmonds, and Moskops
marygilman43: Victorene, going to be 95 in a week but younger than Pauline
marygilman43: Uncle Ray, Uncle Gordon, Aunt Nevie
marygilman43: Tom Neves and Gary Ball
marygilman43: Time to Set Up the Bridge Tables
marygilman43: There Are No Secrets
marygilman43: The Honoree Greets Guests
marygilman43: Sagittarians Have to Share Birthdays with Other Holidays
marygilman43: Ruby, Helen, Jan, Mary
marygilman43: Ridgel, Marie, Bobby, and Michele
marygilman43: Ridgel, Helen, Marie, John, Guy
marygilman43: Ridgel Lee Reads Original Poem for the Occasion
marygilman43: Real Parisians Visiting Before Lunch
marygilman43: Ray, Thanks for Bringing Your Handsome Son to the Party
marygilman43: Ray Lipe, Maxine Lipe, Katrina Forman
marygilman43: Ray Lipe, Gordon Walker, Geneva Walker
marygilman43: Pauline Visiting before Lunch
marygilman43: Pauline Greets the Moskops
marygilman43: Pauline Greets Billy Ralph Smith
marygilman43: Pauline Greeting Nephew Charles and Brother Ray Lipe
marygilman43: Megan, Pauline, John, Ruth, Mary
marygilman43: Mary Gilman, Jimmy Cox, Guy Lemmond, Charlie Lipe
marygilman43: Martha, Mary, Pauline, Corinne
marygilman43: Martha, Mary, Pauline, Corinne, Posing after Lunch
marygilman43: Maddux and Uncle Ray, Discussing the Old Days, in the Service
marygilman43: Linda Day and Pauline
marygilman43: Judy B, Making Sure Nobody Escapes Without a Nametag
marygilman43: Judy B in Charge of the Reception Table
marygilman43: John Montgomery, Inge Binge Williams, Martha and Bob Thrash
marygilman43: John Maddux, Ray Lipe, Jan Buttram