martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - from first belay on Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - The Cathederal
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - The Cathederal
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - The Cathederal chasm
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Cams
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Cam
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Hayley and Luke
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Rich on rappel
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Rich on rappel
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - The Cathederal rappel
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Hayley following on Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Damage on Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: MountBuffalo - Luke leading Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - After 1st pitch of Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Me following on Maharaja (17)
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Hayley looking out to the horizon
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - The Cathederal
martinpribble: MountBuffalo - Ghost trees
martinpribble: MountBuffalo - Ghost trees
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Dead trees from the bushfires
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Hayley smearing on glass smooth granite
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo on slab
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo - Me rapping down the glassy slab
martinpribble: Mount Buffalo view
martinpribble: v - Slabbing