MMD: Luces y sombras en Harvard University I
MMD: Our Hotel.
MMD: Sister
MMD: En las afueras del The John Jeffries House
MMD: Omni Parker House
MMD: The Old State House.
MMD: I will continue traveling...
MMD: In Legal Sea Foods
MMD: Legal Sea Foods
MMD: The Bunker Hill Monument
MMD: Cansada pero feliz...
MMD: The Charles river.
MMD: Look far away...
MMD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
MMD: I'm resting... don't disturb.
MMD: That's right!
MMD: My first house, for three years.
MMD: The corridor...
MMD: Ray and Maria Stata Center, M.I.T.
MMD: Luces y sombras en Harvard University II
MMD: Four Apples in the farmers Market
MMD: Do you still think I 'm pretty?
MMD: Father & Daughters
MMD: In commonwealth Ave.
MMD: Mirror, mirror on the John Hancock Tower