Mark Atwell: Bishopsgate Tower
Mark Atwell: Bishopsgate Tower
Mark Atwell: Underground Sign
Mark Atwell: Drapers' Hall - Jason, The Argonauts and the Golden Fleece
Mark Atwell: Drapers' Hall
Mark Atwell: Indian High Commission in London
Mark Atwell: After a night out...
Mark Atwell: 'Phone at Mansion House
Mark Atwell: A Boy Apparently Strangling a Goose?
Mark Atwell: Turkish Baths
Mark Atwell: Strolling 'Round the City
Mark Atwell: Dana 'Doing Her Thing'
Mark Atwell: Dragon - Leadenhall Market
Mark Atwell: Surveillance Camera
Mark Atwell: Reflected Building
Mark Atwell: Lloyds of London - Panorama
Mark Atwell: Drapers' Hall - Panorama
Mark Atwell: Bishopsgate Tower - Panorama
Mark Atwell: Bishopsgate Tower - Panorama
Mark Atwell: Culture Vulture
Mark Atwell: Old'n'New... and Bus
Mark Atwell: Reflected Building