M Zoots:
For the Bike-Art Project I cut a 70's road bike down and rejoined it to create an Impossible Bicycle. By reducing the bicycle to its constituent parts I was attempting to reinterpret its value. By way of deconstruction I wanted to expose hidden internal a
M Zoots:
Mr. Carbon Copy, King of all the double people, he's an echo a reflection, nobody you'd want to be, we all are only blurry copies
M Zoots:
My work is still up @svperordinarydnvr if you haven't been by, please check it out. #recentspells #mariozoots
M Zoots:
@camill_ionaire posing with the work I made of her, currently on view at @svperordinarydnvr #recentspells
M Zoots:
"Recent Spells" my new solo show opens this Saturday at @svperordinarydnvr 6-10pm | 3550 Brighton Blvd.
M Zoots:
Zach Reini. Bleach, dental floss, canvas patches, and safety pins in ripped denim. #zachreini