marguerite segond: Gonepteryx rhamni. Brimstone butterfly on Telekia Speciosa with backlight.
marguerite segond: Late sown, still blooming in fall
marguerite segond: Skipper butterfly, Thymelicus Sylvestris on Achilea millefolium.
marguerite segond: Speckled wood on Rosa Westerland.
marguerite segond: Red admiral enjoying budleya.
marguerite segond: Pieris Brassica
marguerite segond: Argus butterfly on wild pea.
marguerite segond: Pasturage.
marguerite segond: Awakened from its hibernation, my first butterfly of the year.
marguerite segond: On an autumnleaf.....
marguerite segond: Speckled Wood warming up in the autumn sun.
marguerite segond: Red admiral a little worn out.
marguerite segond: Little Tortoiseshell on Phlox.
marguerite segond: Argus butterfly.
marguerite segond: On a dandelion.
marguerite segond: Fire butterfly
marguerite segond: Peacockeye on sedum.
marguerite segond: Orange Mint moth, Pyrausta Orphisalis ( about 8 mm. )
marguerite segond: Small tortoiseshell butterfly enjoying an Echinacea.
marguerite segond: Small tortoiseshell butterfly on rapeseedflowers.
marguerite segond: Cabbage butterfly on Lucerne
marguerite segond: Buddleia time, butterfly time. Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta).
marguerite segond: Brimstone on St. John's Wort. (Gonepteryx rhamni on Hypericum )
marguerite segond: Moth Yellow underwing, Noctua Pronuba.
marguerite segond: Two is company. Two Brimstone Butterflies feeding on Burdock. #Gonepteryx Rhamni.
marguerite segond: Balancing. Pararge Aegeria.
marguerite segond: Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria on Hydrangea Annabelle.
marguerite segond: Speckled Wood. Pararge Aegeria.