Philippe_28: Château de Villebon - Eure-et-Loir
just1snap: Patrolling Baker Street
bazylek100: Sfinks
writing - sometimes invisible: Massa Marittima, Tuscany
Etrusia UK: Rhuddlan and River
Valentina R. "tillo980": Dans Le Chateau
Jaume CP BCN: Pantà de Sau (On Explore at #302 on 2011-12-16)
Triple Art: Hieronymites Monastery 3/3
Triple Art: Hieronymites Monastery 1/3
Triple Art: Hieronymites Monastery 2/3
picqero: The Bell Tower
Franco Gavioli: NOTO #12
magellano: Walls of Khiva
akabolla: canale - Bologna
Francesco Magoga Photography: Sundown moment at Framura
Francesco Magoga Photography: Courmayeur smoky river
la morán -- ∂ŋ∂ --: ruinas en la noche romana...
MacLeanPhotographic: Tobermory, Mull
.Brian Kerr Photography.: Castlerigg Snow
saigneurdeguerre: Bruxelles - Porte de Halle
atsjebosma: temple of Shiva......
Daniel Mennerich: Belgien BE - Brügge 05
atsjebosma: Ta Prohm - 2
probson32: Roman Soldier 3
crixus6: Roman Centurio
silwittmann: Blautopf (with reflection on the river Blau)
picqero: Thaxted Guildhall