Deth Sun: Sofia
Deth Sun: the land of the yes
Deth Sun: Tommy Arrives
Deth Sun: Duck Liver Mousse
Deth Sun: in the night kitchen
Deth Sun: Mousse
Deth Sun: Laura Arrives
Deth Sun: Mole Roasted Chicken
Deth Sun: close up
Deth Sun: Brussell Sprouts
Deth Sun: Laura and Marci
Deth Sun: trying out the sprouts
Deth Sun: People telling me to do stuff.
Deth Sun: Derek One came back
Deth Sun: Playing Gimpsh
Deth Sun: Derek explaining the Game
Deth Sun: Dealing
Deth Sun: Oh, yes
Deth Sun: The Spread
Deth Sun: Conor basting his Chicken
Deth Sun: Marci's finished chicken
Deth Sun: The last of it
Deth Sun: Derek making the calls
Deth Sun: carving in
Deth Sun: dirty business
Deth Sun: The spectacle of cooking
Deth Sun: yes, yes
Deth Sun: waiting is almost over
Deth Sun: Conor bringing out more food
Deth Sun: Battles is a band