luv to travel:
Bandelier National Park - Breathtaking Views
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Indian Settlement
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Indian Ruins at Bandelier
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Indian Cave Dwellins - Bandelier
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More Indian Ruins
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Climbing into a cave
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Indian Cave Opening
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Enclosed Cave Home at Bandelier
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Cave Dwellings
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Amazing view of the Rock wall that housed hundreds of Indians - New Mexico
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Unusal rock formation at Bandelir
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Bandelier Cave Dwellings
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Ladder to Home - Indian Cave Dwelling - New Mexico
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Ancient Apartment Buildings
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Bandelier Path way
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Bandelier National Park
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Not a Desert
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Dad looking up at caves - Indian Caves
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Indian Ruins - New Mexico
luv to travel:
Amazing Indian Ruins
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Indian Cave drawings
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Ancient Indian Cave Dwelling - New Mexico
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Sweeping landscape at Bandelier