Mandy & Sergio: Look at these two. This was August 1992. Who would have know that 4 years later, that we would be expecting our first daughter. 1 year after that married. 4 years after that, having our second daughter, two years later be surprised with our son and 2 y
Mandy & Sergio: After a week of chaos and stress, spending my Saturday morning in the Word is the best way to recharge. Getting to color is the cherry on top. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear though the
Mandy & Sergio: Surprised Maya with a little cake. We did not have new candles, so Kayla got creative with candle math.... Can you compute how this adds up to 16? Happy birthday my love...πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ‘ͺπŸ’– #Happy
Mandy & Sergio: The bed bunnies are holding Sergio hostage. The one right next to him is looking at me like, "Don't be mean... let him make me-me's." #flannelsheetsrock #sleepingbeauty #lovehimforever
Mandy & Sergio: With today's crazy weather it almost was snowman building time. Amy had to style for the next best thing....⛄❄ #doyouwanttobuildasnowman #elpasoweatheriscrazy #ameliamarieysadora
Mandy & Sergio: There must have been about 10 cows giving him a licking last night! #fullofbody #cowlicks #goodmorningohmygoshyourhair
Mandy & Sergio: Lender the "Bagel"... Sometimes we call her Blender. The goof is afraid of the dark and barks at shadows. She is feeling particularly snugglish tonight. πŸΆπŸ•πŸ’Ÿ #beaglesofinstagram #theynamedmeafterabagel #beaglesnugglesarethebes
Mandy & Sergio: Pug-butts warming by an open fire...🎢 Love that beautiful squishy nose 🎢Drool time naps, happening all of the time🎢Oh how I love those stinky cheesy toes....🎢 #thepuglife #fireplace #fritofeet #squishyface
Mandy & Sergio: Good morning from Sarah, our beautiful Nessness. She is the most loving kitay. #mytoesarebeans #kittykisses #youmaylovemenowhuman #nessness
Mandy & Sergio: Toast, it has been my go to when I have not been able to eat anything else these last two weeks. Tomorrow my evil little gall bladder will no longer call me "home". #toast
Mandy & Sergio: Snuggling. She is crammed in the crevice began Sergio and I. #babyitscoldoutside #snuggle #puppylove
Mandy & Sergio: She is so beautiful... Love our Yayaya so much β™‘
Mandy & Sergio: #thepuglife #puglifechoseme #fritofeet #cheeseyfeet
Mandy & Sergio: Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent Victor Hugo
Mandy & Sergio: Knox...He is the most adorable Chinch in the wide world! He love snuggles and is complete when he gets to dine on his favorite treat; dandelion drops. Love you Knox King-Porras... =)
Mandy & Sergio: Ready to attack the evil toes... It's our every night routine...
Mandy & Sergio: Sometimes you just have to just drown out all out...
Mandy & Sergio: Meet Sylvester... I am going to save his life today...#cpr #teamsisd #HernandoMS
Mandy & Sergio: Queen Ophelia... She is so squishy...I wuv her!!!#puglife #pugs #puglifechoseme
Mandy & Sergio: JULY 12, 1997- It is amazing that 18 years have come to pass so quickly. I thank the Lord, that He has seen Sergio and me through the wonderful and beautiful moments of our life together; blessing us with 4 amazing children, giving us a home that is fille
Mandy & Sergio: The norm in El Paso this spring... lots of strong winds and dirt.
Mandy & Sergio: My mommy and me
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Mandy & Sergio: Do you have some food for meeeeee???
Mandy & Sergio: Best friends 16 years and going....
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Mandy & Sergio: golden age