mamatronic: brioche, conquered
mamatronic: marley by andrea mowry
mamatronic: marley shawl
mamatronic: marley
mamatronic: gynx yarn and knit picks
mamatronic: gigantic squish- the shawl, not me
mamatronic: finshed
mamatronic: the marley shawl
mamatronic: brioche is the ultimate striping
mamatronic: dark and light
mamatronic: can't decide, light side...
mamatronic: ...or reverse
mamatronic: I've arrived
mamatronic: gynx yarns sunset
mamatronic: cobblestone
mamatronic: cobblestone pullover by jared flood
mamatronic: cobblestone pullover
mamatronic: garter in the round
mamatronic: first jared flood pattern
mamatronic: knit in Wool of the Andes Tweed
mamatronic: garter
mamatronic: last minute gifting helper
mamatronic: 365 days prior to giving
mamatronic: wota in reindeer heather
mamatronic: stroll tonal
mamatronic: we were seeds shawl
mamatronic: little tassels
mamatronic: one skein knit