mailgirl333: Sears Fine Food - Early
mailgirl333: Chancellor - In the Morning
mailgirl333: Only way to get a Cable Car with Room
mailgirl333: The Grip - On a Cable Car
mailgirl333: This Looks Ominous
mailgirl333: Powell St.
mailgirl333: Empty-ish Cable Car
mailgirl333: Hmmm...
mailgirl333: One Entrance to the "Barn".
mailgirl333: Going Up?
mailgirl333: So Nice and Green
mailgirl333: I have no caption for this one.
mailgirl333: Alcatraz in the Distance
mailgirl333: Sun's Out Somewhat
mailgirl333: Looks Really Steep From Here
mailgirl333: Blazing Saddles
mailgirl333: Pat's Cafe - On Taylor
mailgirl333: California Omelet
mailgirl333: End of the Powell Mason Cable Car Line
mailgirl333: Turning the Cable Car on Taylor
mailgirl333: Nice Empty Cable Car
mailgirl333: Inside of Roof of Cable Car
mailgirl333: Other Cable Cars on Powell-Mason Line
mailgirl333: Pat's Cafe from the Street
mailgirl333: Bimbo's? Really?
mailgirl333: Like a Giant Spark
mailgirl333: May be normal for San Francisco...
mailgirl333: Red Bull In Store Window
mailgirl333: Watching the Ground Go By
mailgirl333: Where Powell & California's Cables Cross