The MacKay Way: Favorite - section b
The MacKay Way: Favorite wall - shot 1
The MacKay Way: Favorite - shot 3
The MacKay Way: Favorite Yellow - shote 5
The MacKay Way: Favorite - shot 2
The MacKay Way: Favorite - mid wall
The MacKay Way: Speto Girl
The MacKay Way: Money Trouble
The MacKay Way: Spray Can
The MacKay Way: X Eye - shot 1
The MacKay Way: The Payoff - straight on
The MacKay Way: Money from The Payoff
The MacKay Way: Raindrops
The MacKay Way: Domestic Babies - shot 1
The MacKay Way: Domestic Babies
The MacKay Way: Domestic Babies - shot 2
The MacKay Way: Lady in Green - shot 1
The MacKay Way: Lepos Robot 1
The MacKay Way: Looking down on Lady in Green
The MacKay Way: Paris stripes
The MacKay Way: Floor Thru Shot
The MacKay Way: Outside Wall - Shot 1
The MacKay Way: Outside Wall - shot 2
The MacKay Way: Waiting
The MacKay Way: 11 Spring Street: Waiting in the line