madfoot: Dejected Shrek
madfoot: Jeff Koons balloon from Macy's parade
madfoot: Waiter, there's a stent in my turkey
madfoot: Randy and Sarah
madfoot: Em and Ed
madfoot: Randy at the Village Vanguard
madfoot: Again, the Village Vanguard
madfoot: Monkey says the Knicks WIN!
madfoot: DSCN0561
madfoot: DSCN0567
madfoot: DSCN0563
madfoot: DSCN0564
madfoot: Yay, me and Beck!
madfoot: DSCN0571
madfoot: Is Jason flashing a gang sign?
madfoot: "Where can I throw my drink?"
madfoot: Revelry
madfoot: Jeff and Beck
madfoot: Hat-becca
madfoot: More revelry
madfoot: La dee da, la dee da
madfoot: We p0wned this back room
madfoot: Yay, me and Pamela!
madfoot: A tipsy bird's eye view
madfoot: Who's the strippah?
madfoot: DSCN0579
madfoot: DSCN0580
madfoot: DSCN0581
madfoot: What are these two up to?
madfoot: DSCN0599