zkarj: KP221029
zkarj: KP181096
zkarj: KP181080
zkarj: K5170897
bbusschots: Fly Me to the Moon ...
bbusschots: A Dramatic Landing
zkarj: K5171534
zkarj: K5171189
zkarj: K5170867
zkarj: K5170816
zkarj: K5170817
elle2465: Bearded Tit rear wing detail
Mark Pouley: Beaver
zkarj: K5160642-Edit
elle2465: Kingfisher
elle2465: Kingfisher
nosillacast: Monarch Butterfly birth
elle2465: Buzzard
nosillacast: Morning dew
zkarj: K5160286
zkarj: K5160288
AndyBC1: Marsh Harrier at Minsmere came quite close
AndyBC1: Robin at Minsmere
nosillacast: Double Rainbow over Napili Bay
nosillacast: Rainbow in front of paddle boarders
nosillacast: Morning Dew
zkarj: K5169243
zkarj: K5169250
zkarj: K5158763
nosillacast: Wood Duck