m_travels: parallel timeline
m_travels: i n t r o s p e c t i o n
m_travels: some things don’t change therefore they can be memorized
m_travels: mercado jamaica
m_travels: more and more millennials choose communal living and also care about the environment a lot
m_travels: telefono de monedas
m_travels: capitalism is dead if you want it to be
m_travels: demonstrate personal will to remain different
m_travels: convenience is our new god
m_travels: do not tomorrow your life away
m_travels: the world they left
m_travels: quotidian
m_travels: the grass is greener
m_travels: 🍍
m_travels: can't erase the future
m_travels: gedankenexperiment
m_travels: not a single bad day in sight
m_travels: the purpose of nightmares is still unclear
m_travels: what color is venus