sarah draws things: martyprelim
sarah draws things: hoss prelim
sarah draws things: IMG_20170410_192851_621
sarah draws things: IMG_20170326_205545_571
sarah draws things: IMG_20170316_172107_619
sarah draws things: DSCN2600-2
sarah draws things: DSCN2599-2
sarah draws things: IMG_20170212_190145_929
sarah draws things: roostercard
sarah draws things: manateecard
sarah draws things: bighorncard
sarah draws things: Work in progress
sarah draws things: Work in progress
sarah draws things: Work in progress
sarah draws things: horse sketch
sarah draws things: IMG_20170119_181959_135
sarah draws things: IMG_20170112_215958_930
sarah draws things: Pet Portrait Sketch
sarah draws things: Pet Portrait Sketch
sarah draws things: IMG_20170105_203029_827
sarah draws things: IMG_20170103_164136_677
sarah draws things: IMG_20170104_094259_526
sarah draws things: IMG_20161231_161733_910
sarah draws things: More progress. Does the mistletoe need a bow? #tooearlyformistletoe #wip #illustration #christmascard
sarah draws things: I haven't drawn a self portrait in five years. I was sicking of looking at the old one, but drawing myself feels weeeeeeiiird. #wip #illustration #selfportrait #oldfashionedselfie
sarah draws things: gowest Fall flyer