Ludo M: moss and droplets IMG_8068
Ludo M: Moss and lilliputian fungus IMG_0185
Ludo M: IMG_8084
Ludo M: fungus IMG_0213
Ludo M: No snow this Christmas... Unfortunately ! IMG_0049
Ludo M: Undergrowth 3P6A8024
Ludo M: Sun illuminating the snowy ridge IMG_0007
Ludo M: Long-eared Owl - Asio otus 158B9844
Ludo M: Long-eared Owl - Asio otus 158B9854
Ludo M: 3P6A9981
Ludo M: 3P6A0160
Ludo M: Nature 3P6A9999
Ludo M: Mountain flower - French Alps 3P6A0359
Ludo M: Colors of the French Alps 3P6A1467
Ludo M: 3P6A7299
Ludo M: 3P6A7304
Ludo M: 3P6A7430
Ludo M: Desert flower - Rajasthan - India 3P6A5530
Ludo M: 3P6A5577
Ludo M: 3P6A5590
Ludo M: 3P6A6408
Ludo M: 3P6A6490
Ludo M: 3P6A6492
Ludo M: 3P6A7043
Ludo M: 3P6A7144
Ludo M: Long-eared Owl - Asio otus 3P6A7878
Ludo M: 3P6A4500
Ludo M: 3P6A3965
Ludo M: Robin 3P6A3495
Ludo M: 3P6A3388