Lú_: Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
Lú_: Leaving the Horse Palace
Lú_: Horse Palace horse
Lú_: Three ways to the light
Lú_: 100/OCAD
Lú_: hockey net
Lú_: fresh paint
Lú_: brick window with gas meter
Lú_: the windows and blinds of education
Lú_: toward 1961
Lú_: physics as art
Lú_: centrifugal force
Lú_: "Modern conversation is a lot like nuclear physics, argues William Isaacs"
Lú_: red shift can be caused by gravity
Lú_: the angels are concerned for the head of Saint Denis
Lú_: Alexandra Pool and Rink
Lú_: Bathurst Street dragons
Lú_: one of the functions of higher education is to understand the old in the context of the new
Lú_: clouded glass, light beyond
Lú_: What do I value in my life?
Lú_: an argument against classical definitions of the sublime
Lú_: the bond between theory and practice
Lú_: margins
Lú_: the office where they keep all the plants
Lú_: growing in the light of knowledge
Lú_: ways to air
Lú_: Heaslip House: layers 2 and 3 (I)
Lú_: maison nouveau
Lú_: strength
Lú_: Sunday's cafe