Artist ...: First impression
Artist ...: Second Impression
Artist ...: My Departure
Artist ...: Random Moment
Artist ...: The shade of the tree!
Artist ...: what's behind the door? :D !!!
Artist ...: "Đợi chờ đến bao giờ nữa đây" :D !!
Artist ...: >:) !!!
Artist ...: "Should I close the door?" / Moc 1
Artist ...: Moc 4
Artist ...: Moc 3
Artist ...: Moc 2
Artist ...: Moc 5
Artist ...: Sunday Morning-random :D
Artist ...: appropriate moment, perhaps?
Artist ...: my wedding pic
Artist ...: 07/2007
Artist ...: A moment of love
Artist ...: dat ten la gi bay gio?
Artist ...: "i'm walking in the memory of my fiancé..."
Artist ...: Rescue me from this "castle"... heh heh!!!
Artist ...: My fiancee'
Artist ...: người ta bảo ăn ảnh thì số khổ đó nha :-s !!!
Artist ...: người ta bảo ăn ảnh thì số khổ đó nha :-s !!!