loveitaly: i scream, you scream...
loveitaly: nothing like fresh lemonade
loveitaly: 4 ladies singing '60's songs with fervor
loveitaly: Top o' the Rock
loveitaly: striped and checked tents
loveitaly: cloggers in tie dye
loveitaly: dancers and wall climbing in the distance
loveitaly: Lifeguard stands for information ladies
loveitaly: Town of Cary receptacles
loveitaly: Joe reliving his youth
loveitaly: Her mom said she has a "Shirley Temper"
loveitaly: Cary's Lazy Daze festival
loveitaly: round round get around I get around
loveitaly: neat old cars to check out
loveitaly: goofy crafts and colorful balloons
loveitaly: beautiful skies for Lazy Daze this year in Cary NC
loveitaly: lots and lots of crafts people
loveitaly: the famous downtown Cary clock
loveitaly: dancers at Lazy Daze
loveitaly: nothing like a band at Cary's Lazy Daze today