The Crow2: Chest and lid for canopic jars of King Shesonq I
The Crow2: Cat mummy
The Crow2: Canopic jar with lids in a shape of the head of the son of Horus
The Crow2: Neuse Museum
The Crow2: Bastet figurines
The Crow2: Sitting hippopotamus
The Crow2: Figurines of a hedgehog and a shrew
The Crow2: 'Game of the Snake' with game pieces and dice
The Crow2: The Berlin Golden Hat
The Crow2: Sacrificial Well
The Crow2: The Berlin Elk
The Crow2: Neues Museum
The Crow2: The Crown of Kerch
The Crow2: Cult Image
The Crow2: Tomb relief: Daughters of Amenhotep III and Tiye
The Crow2: Bust of Akhenaten
The Crow2: The chief steward of Amun, Sen-en-Mut and princess Neferu-Re
The Crow2: Wheeled stand for a Cauldron
The Crow2: Head of the statue of King Amasis
The Crow2: The Offering Chamber of Merib
The Crow2: The Offering Chamber of Merib
The Crow2: The Offering Chamber of Merib
The Crow2: The Offering Chamber of Merib
The Crow2: The Offering Chamber of Merib
The Crow2: Neues Museum