LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Networking before the presentation
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Name badges with Arnie's book "Accelerate"
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Arnie Kuenn's Accelerate! book
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
More gatherers before the presontation
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Catering from D.Brians
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Clint and Sarah
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Aaron Weiche introducing Arnie Kuenn
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Arnie Kuenn himself
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Arnie Kuenn presenting
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Aaron Weiche - camera in hand
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Crowd watching the presentation
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
James Svoboda
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Clint Danks
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Sarah providing Clint a libation called "Bitch Creek"
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Section of the Day Block Building
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Ward Tongen
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Aaron Weiche
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
More goodness from D.Brians
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Crowd watching Arnie speak
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Jeff Hahn from iExposure
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Sarah asking a question
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
View from the Day Block Building Balcony
LocalMN Interactive Marketing:
Even better view of downtown Minneapolis