lmwroth: First panda I saw at Wolong
lmwroth: Panda bath
lmwroth: Me and 1-yr-old
lmwroth: One-yr-olds with apple slices
lmwroth: More cubs and apple slices
lmwroth: Cubs and apple slices
lmwroth: Same group with apple slices
lmwroth: Cubs with apple slices
lmwroth: Noah with 1-yr-old
lmwroth: A second group of 1-yr-olds
lmwroth: Panda at rest
lmwroth: Sick panda
lmwroth: Panda clawing at a tree trunk
lmwroth: After the clawing
lmwroth: Very young cub in incubator
lmwroth: Cleaning the young cub
lmwroth: Playful panda in manure cart
lmwroth: Cub wanting a ride in a manure cart
lmwroth: Refusing to get out of the cart
lmwroth: Cub getting scruffed out of cart
lmwroth: Hua Mei in a tree
lmwroth: Hua Mei
lmwroth: XiaoYi
lmwroth: One-year-old on tree stump
lmwroth: Cub tugging on keeper's boot
lmwroth: Same cub tugging on his glove
lmwroth: Two 1-yr-olds
lmwroth: One of the pandas offered to Taiwan
lmwroth: Noah looking dubious about adult panda
lmwroth: Sunshine after photo session