livingwithmusic: The Village Vanguard Sign
livingwithmusic: Vanguard Marquee
livingwithmusic: Rehearsal One
livingwithmusic: Rehearsal Two
livingwithmusic: Bilal Rehearsing With Band
livingwithmusic: Derrick Hodge
livingwithmusic: Defend New Orleans
livingwithmusic: Derrick Hodge Rehearsal
livingwithmusic: Band Rehearsal
livingwithmusic: Fabian Almazan Backstage
livingwithmusic: Derrick Hodge Backstage
livingwithmusic: Walter Smith Backstage
livingwithmusic: Kendrick Scott Backstage
livingwithmusic: Kendrick Scott Poses Backstage
livingwithmusic: Terence Blanchard Arrives Backstage
livingwithmusic: Cross and Handkerchief
livingwithmusic: Reaching for the Trumpet
livingwithmusic: We Got Jokes
livingwithmusic: The Trumpet
livingwithmusic: Trumpet in Case
livingwithmusic: Terence Blanchard Onstage
livingwithmusic: Fabian Almazan Smiles Backstage
livingwithmusic: Bell Down Close
livingwithmusic: Terence Bell Down
livingwithmusic: Derrick Hodge Onstage
livingwithmusic: Walter Smith Onstage
livingwithmusic: Kendrick Scott Plays
livingwithmusic: The Horns
livingwithmusic: Kendrick Zoning