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Project: New Kitchen by Lisy Babe
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Lisy Babe
The before shot
Lisy Babe
In progress
Lisy Babe
My tea making station set up in my bedroom: It's like being in a hotel!
Lisy Babe
The cupboard's nearly gone; you can see through it now!
Lisy Babe
Ding dong, the cupboard's gone!
Lisy Babe
End of day 3: The pipes have been re-routed under the floor...
Lisy Babe
The floor covered in something stinky in advance of lino being laid tomorrow morning
Lisy Babe
The new wall where the cupboard door used to be: In progress
Lisy Babe
End of day 5: Flooring! (Yes, they really have finished work for the week at 9:45am.)
Lisy Babe
Week 2, day 1 (or day 6): The new wall is in.
Lisy Babe
Lookit! My fridge is actually *in my kitchen*. How very sensible.
Lisy Babe
Cupboards are starting to appear
Lisy Babe
End of day 8: Worktops and a sink! The washing machine and cooker work again too.
Lisy Babe
Dishwasher! (Yes, that's my camera's wrist strap dangling. I can't be arsed to take another pic.)
Lisy Babe
End of week 2. Today's development: Tiles
Lisy Babe
The after shot
Lisy Babe
My previously lovely kitchen at the moment
Lisy Babe
Running water exposed