Lisanne!: Why I Don't Like Beaches
Lisanne!: What's With All the Cell Phones
Lisanne!: Watching the Barkers
Lisanne!: Think I'll Just Sit Down For a Spell
Lisanne!: The Zipper
Lisanne!: The Sky Looked Threatening
Lisanne!: The Fortune Teller Has a Receptionist
Lisanne!: Sill's School Bus Depot
Lisanne!: Sidewalk Picnickers
Lisanne!: Not Braving the Waters
Lisanne!: Nathan's Has Better Soda
Lisanne!: I Want Glasses Like Those, They're So Colorful
Lisanne!: He Won't Let Me Photograph His Face
Lisanne!: Happy, Even In the Drizzling Rain
Lisanne!: Great Hot Dogs
Lisanne!: Famiglia Pizza
Lisanne!: Endorsements for Famiglia
Lisanne!: Digging a Hole So that the Ocean Comes Up Through the Sand
Lisanne!: Deciding What To Do Next
Lisanne!: Cotton Candy, Yum
Lisanne!: Braving the Waters, Sort of
Lisanne!: Barkers have to Walk a Fine Line
Lisanne!: Astroland Rocket and a Branch of Gregory's and Paul's
Lisanne!: Another One on a Cell Phone
Lisanne!: Soccer Players
Lisanne!: Sitting Area In Astroland
Lisanne!: Not Many Will Venture Onto the Sand
Lisanne!: Kiddie Ride
Lisanne!: Entrance to Astroland
Lisanne!: Cute Clown