Linda DV (away for the holidays): Gallotia galloti galloti
Linda DV (away for the holidays): The pine forest on mount Teide.
Linda DV (away for the holidays): The pine forest on mount Teide.
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Las Cañadas del Teide
Linda DV (away for the holidays): View of El Hierro and La Gomera
Linda DV (away for the holidays): View of the island of La Palma
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Adenocarpus foliolosus
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Cistus monspeliensis
Linda DV (away for the holidays): California Poppies
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Erodium cicutarium
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Silene vulgaris ssp.commutata (Guss.) Hayek
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Yellow California poppies
Linda DV (away for the holidays): Orange California poppies