sgribbin: Ducks Foraging Before Sunrise
sgribbin: Female Hooded Merganser
sgribbin: Watching Beneath Him
sgribbin: Droplets On Beak
sgribbin: Pelican Enjoying Sunrise
sgribbin: Early Morning In The Pond
sgribbin: Rise & Shine
sgribbin: Flying Across The Pond
sgribbin: Pelicans In Motion
sgribbin: Fountain With Pelicans
sgribbin: You Look That Way
sgribbin: Wood Duck Pair
sgribbin: Follow The Leader
sgribbin: Park Pond II
sgribbin: Park Pond
sgribbin: Whistling Ducks
sgribbin: Osprey Searching
sgribbin: Pelican At A Pond
sgribbin: Tuscawilla Pelican
sgribbin: Escorting His Bride
sgribbin: Singing Her A Love Song
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Waiting
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Perched
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Warning
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Watching
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Ruffled
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Take Off
sgribbin: Immature Bald Eagle Soaring
sgribbin: Whistlers
sgribbin: Alligator Snapper Walking