lierne: Pile of seals
lierne: Yawning seal
lierne: Rick
lierne: Point Piedras Blancas lighthouse
lierne: Seal Battle
lierne: Piedras Blancas
lierne: Another seal yawn
lierne: Tourist squirrel
lierne: Crow
lierne: Nose scratch
lierne: At the BOQ
lierne: View out the window
lierne: San Carlos Beach
lierne: Building on the water front
lierne: Cute cabins
lierne: Monterey Bay Aquarium
lierne: Fish
lierne: Sea Otter
lierne: Vacuuming the fish tank
lierne: Talking about feeding the fish
lierne: Feeding the fish
lierne: Sheephead
lierne: Feeding time is over
lierne: Emptying out the leftover bits
lierne: Crab
lierne: I liked this little dude
lierne: Flat fish are my favorite fish
lierne: Flat fish and sand dollars
lierne: This ugly fish gets to live in trash
lierne: Denes and a skate