lensjockey™: Saint Patrick's Day Parade
lensjockey™: If John Singer Sargent painted women in bathtubs...
lensjockey™: ILHC — International Lindy Hop Championships
lensjockey™: what I wore the day I shot Kurt Vonnegut PART 2 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KURT!!! (11/11/06)
lensjockey™: Me in Melanie's black cocktail dress
lensjockey™: me in blackface...
lensjockey™: my eyes
lensjockey™: Hurricane Street, Coney Island
lensjockey™: Meschiya Lake of New Orleans
lensjockey™: well! Moby Squirrel I presume...
lensjockey™: BOOTS!!
lensjockey™: the young jockey
lensjockey™: john and sid
lensjockey™: graffiti history
lensjockey™: SHOOT THE FREAK
lensjockey™: this is an older shot of me at work by a friend of mine.
lensjockey™: the neo depression last night
lensjockey™: the first person to come up as a result of my face-recognition search was Lucy Liu...
lensjockey™: Paul Auster - Feb 16, 2006
lensjockey™: Jennifer Miller
lensjockey™: Patti Smith — 1/19/2010
lensjockey™: a portrait of Jane McCrea
lensjockey™: Michael Bloomberg speaking at the Bronx campaign office opening.
lensjockey™: contrast in architecture
lensjockey™: The New York Dolls
lensjockey™: willy_boots_sm_2888
lensjockey™: Bill Cunningham and Heidi
lensjockey™: Holly Van Voast